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I'The Black ASL Project, 2003-2007


Originally titled: "The History and use of Black ASL in the South", the Black ASL project aimed to eduacte a wider comunity about the history, social constructions, phonological, and syntatic discourse that make Black ASL recognizable as a distict variety of ASL.
The project, funded by the Spencer Foundation, was a 12-month program that reserached the history of Black ASL through the visitation of sites where Black Deaf students were educated. These sites were stationed primarily in the South part of the US and were founded from the years of 1869 to 1938. Through the limited research and hidden history of Black ASL in textbooks for students today, collaborators & reserachers (mainly professors, directors, and reserach assistants at Galludet University) were able to unveil the structure and history of Southern Black ASL through project findings, presentations, and reflections. 
The project served not only the ASL community at Galludet University, but the Black Deaf community at large due to The Black ASL Project being the a project that recieved the Humanitarian Award through the National Black Deaf Advocates. 
**more information about the project can extensively be found here 


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